Saturday, October 01, 2005

Why 'Fear Factor' is the Dumbest Show Ever.

It seems like every time I freakin' turn around, there's another 'Reality TV' show sending America's sheep into a tailspin. Whether it's a group of should trophies trying to win the heart of the perfect dude or a family on the down-and-out getting a new brand new house, the airwaves are lousy with these abominations. However, none is quite so ridiculous as Fear Factor...

Now, my first complaint about this program is the completely inaccurate title. A more apt name would be "Put Disgusting Things in Your Mouth", as that's one of the two main types of challenges facing the contestants. It's either that, or they participate in some stunt that may seem dangerous, but any danger they might be in pales in comparison to the safety precautions that have been taken by the production staff. So, either you have to eat a handful of mealworms, or walk across some river on a 2x4 (while wearing a myriad of safety harnesses and restraints). Now, the proverbial straw...

When I turned on the idiot box earlier this evening, I found myself looking at (you guessed it) the beginning of Fear Factor. Normally, I'd just flip right on past it to the next channel, but I didn't this time (don't ask me why). Before I know it, I'm listening to Joe Rogan describing the meathead stunts to which the contestants would be subject. The first challenge (and the only one I saw before I did change the station) was this:

"Take a mouthful of those (large insect whose name I don't recall), crush them in your mouth and drain the 'juices' into this container, until it reaches this line. Once it's full, down it."

Yes, that's right, drink the fluids drained from the insects.



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