Thursday, October 27, 2005

Enough blog spam: Go-ing with Beniy

I apologize for the past 2 posts. What can i say? The internet never ceases to amaze and entertain...

Spent the evening playing Go and Chess with Beniy at Starbucks. The Go game was a definite learning experience. Started out without much direction (at least, on my side of the board), but I slowly started to pick up some of the nuances of the game as play continued. In the end, Beniy was the clear winner - but I think it's safe to say I'm hooked.

Then, we played chess. It'd been awhile since I'd played chess, so I wasn't expecting to win (especially since Beniy is a more a student of the game than a hobbyist). Well, he kicked my ass. Mercilessly. The second game brought a remote possibility of my stalemating him, but those hopes were quickly dashed.

Had a hell of a good time regardless. Hopefully we can make it a regular thing...

Oh, and a side note: Tom told me last night that an upscale L.A. client of his had mentioned that backgammon is the new chic game to play among the scenesters. Now, other at McClain's (local coffeehouse), I don't know that I've ever seen anybody playing backgammon around here. But tonight a couple young ladies were partaking of a bit of dice at the Starbucks where we were playing. That encouraged me - maybe backgammon will dethrone poker as the reigning "trendy 'old' game". Hey, I can dream, can't I?


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