Friday, November 11, 2005

I guess I shouln't be suprised...

The vast majority of the crap on television is just that: crap. Aside from a handful of quality shows (The Simpsons, Family Guy and others), the airwaves are typically clogged up with garbage like Friends and whatever the WB happens to be showing. A little over two years ago, Fox shed upon an unsuspecting populace a glimmer of hope; hope that there were still people involved in entertainment who knew what comedy was about and could produce a quality program instead of the typical mindless drivel. They gave us Arrested Development.

The show, currently in it's third season, is amazing. Very dry, intelligent humor with no laugh track. The jokes come fast and furious, and one must frequently re-watch episodes to get the whole experience. It was a wonderful, wonderful time. But, then, just this morning, I got the horrible news...

Fox cancelled it. One of the last remaining, truly funny sitcoms gets the ax. Forget about the half-dozen pile-of-crap reality shows they air week after week (and yes, I understand that it's to a drooling, reality-crazed populace), that damn A.D. needs to go.

It's truly a sad day.


At 5:55 PM, November 11, 2005, Blogger Beniy said...

Crap city! I just finished watching the first season, borrowed from a friend. Bummer news. You ever watch Firefly?

At 8:25 PM, November 11, 2005, Blogger Brett said...

No sir, I haven't. Is it on cable?

At 7:59 AM, November 18, 2005, Blogger Beniy said...

DVD. Originally, it was good ol' fox 11.


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