Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A Victim of Circumstance

So, as of tomorrow, I'll no longer be a professional programmer.

Apparently, my employer feels the development department is a bit too big. So, tomorrow I'll be meeting with the CFO and she'll tell me that I'm being transferred to network operations, doing netadmin stuff along with second-level tech support. I'll (hopefully) be able to still do some light programming (as it relates to systems administration), but we'll see just how real of a possibility that is - let's just say I'm not getting my hopes up.

I'm annoyed about this on many levels, but I've been told (repeatedly) that it has nothing to do with my work or my ability to my job. It's just a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Here's what really pisses me off about this:
  • I'm really the only person in development who's passionate about programming. I've been programming for far longer than I've been getting paid to program.
  • Part of the reason I was given for this move was the fact that I seem to glom onto network-related projects (since I have several years of network experience prior to becoming a developer). That's only because those were the projects I was given because I know about networking. So, my abilities in other areas made me the prime candidate for transfer. Lovely.
Now, like I said, it's not because I'm a bad programmer. I just haven't done much work on the super-visible projects.

Obviously, I'm glad they decided to transfer me instead of just cutting me loose (which would've been pretty freakin' horrible at this point in my life), but I still can't help but feel like my talents and energy won't be fully utilized in network ops.

That is all for now, more to come as the situation develops...


At 3:05 AM, November 01, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you worry inky, you're a good programmer and from what you've told me, some of the developers are your company are that hot. I'm sure they're going to realize they need you back.

At 10:48 AM, November 01, 2005, Blogger Munkee said...

Hang in there bra! You're still kickin' ass.


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