Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I'll post something soon, maybe...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Courtesy of a Coworker

Thursday, February 09, 2006

True. Dat.

I Thought You Weren't Political?

Well, it's true, I'm really not. The reasons why are for another time in another post. But, I don't consider this action/feeling to be politically motivated. Read on...

You might've noticed the new white banner on the top right corner of the page. The ONE Campaign's purpose is to divert 1% of the US budget toward eliminating AIDS and extreme poverty in Africa. I found one.org after reading Bono's speech at the National Prayer Breakfast (turns out he's not the super-inflammatory left-wing artist-turned-political-monday-morning-quarterback that I thought he was). In short, I found his talk to be inspiring. I read one.org and found that thought it was a hell of a plan. So, I'm onboard.

Not sure if it's the fact that I'm a new father (which I think is quite a heart-softener in itself) or what. But I'm saddened and a bit distressed by what I've read. These people are somebody's loved ones. And life is precious.

Go to One.org - read about the campaign, sign the declaration if you dig it.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Had an idea

So, I'm sitting here and I come to the fairly obvious realization that I'm constantly learning new things. Be they work-related, marriage/fatherhood-related, or just completely unrelated to anything specifc, I'm learning.

So, I decided to start another blog called What I Learned Today. I'm going to try to post something every single day ("try" being the operative word there). It will be a running tally of all the new little nuggets that find their way into my thick head.

Anyway, first post is up (though, it deals with programming - you've been warned). Feedback welcome and appreciated, enjoy.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Dude, whatever...

So, on a bit of a whim this evening last, I chumped out $26 for a domain and 6 months of hosting w/ godaddy.com. The domain is dudewhatever.org, and the main reason I got it was for someplace to store stuff online that offered a good amount of bandwidth for not much green.

Now, don't expect much in the way of actual content. I'll mostly just be dumping random crap up there and linking to it directly. There is a homepage up, but at the moment it just has links here and to my flickr area.

If I ever decide to start up some discussion site or something, it'd go there. Doubtful, though...