Thursday, March 09, 2006

Poker Woes...

Had a very good chance of making the final table in a No-Limit Hold'em tournament.

Then, this happened .

Frustrating, and I do think they made an incorrect call based on the amount I bet. But, hey, that's poker...


At 7:31 AM, March 10, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, that sucked though you can't really blame the guy for calling seeing as how he had top two pair and your all-in was essentially a pot bet. I'm guessing he put you on AK or AJ and figured you were betting on your better kicker/straight draw. What would have been hilarious is if the Js came and the Mean Pie dude hit his straight only to make your royal flush :)

At 7:33 AM, March 10, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And of course I'm an idiot for that last comment since he already had the flush and so did you. So ignore that bit.

At 8:59 AM, March 10, 2006, Blogger Brett said...

Maybe so, but honestly, if there are 3 of the same suit on the board and you've got two pair and an all-in bet in front of you, that seems like a no-brainer lay-down (at least, to me). Being willing to call off half of your chips on the off-chance that the bettor is bluffing is just bad poker, imo.


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